
  1. Neuroscience

    Laser light rewrites memories in mice

    Mouse experiment demonstrates that good memories can be transformed into bad ones, and vice versa.

  2. Tech

    To have a sound mind, a brain needs a body

    Replicating human intelligence in robots requires the right materials for brain-body-environment interactions.

  3. Animals

    Hummingbirds evolved a strange taste for sugar

    While other birds seem to lack the ability to taste sugar, hummingbirds detect sweetness using a repurposed sensor that normally responds to savory flavors.

  4. Animals

    Dolphins and whales may squeal with pleasure too

    Dolphins and whales squeal after a food reward in about the same time it takes for dopamine to be released in the brain.

  5. Neuroscience

    Neurons in silk scaffold mimic behaviors of a real brain

    Proteins of silkworm cocoons can form the scaffold for a three-dimensional model of a brain.

  6. Neuroscience

    Prosthesis uses swinging arms to tell legs when to step

    Device creates artificial neural connection that could help paralyzed people walk.

  7. Neuroscience

    Busy neurons don’t always draw blood

    Study of mice suggests caution in inferring the activity of the brain’s neurons from functional MRI results.

  8. Neuroscience

    Music soothes the aging brain in film ‘Alive Inside’

    A social worker highlighted in a new documentary goes on a quest to bring tunes to nursing homes.

  9. Neuroscience

    For neurons, birthday matters

    How brain cells make their connections during development still isn’t well understood. A new study shows that in the eye, a neuron’s birthday makes a difference in how it finds its targets.

  10. Computing

    Brain-inspired computer chip mimics 1 million neurons

    By processing data in parallel, computer chips modeled after the human brain could perform certain tasks, such as pattern recognition, faster and more energy-efficiently than traditional computers.

  11. Health & Medicine

    New tests screen for lethal prion disease

    Urine and nasal swabs can detect small amounts of the abnormal prions that cause Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

  12. Psychology

    Addiction showcases the brain’s flexibility

    People with substance abuse disorders are not just chasing a high. Their brains are adapting to the presence of drug, evidence of humans’ impressive neural plasticity.
