
  1. Neuroscience

    Brain activity in unconscious patients offers new views of awareness

    As more people survive serious brain injury, researchers are using EEG and fMRI to learn who is aware inside an unresponsive body.

  2. Neuroscience

    Age affects brain’s response to anesthesia

    Anesthesia has different effects on young and old brains.

  3. Neuroscience

    Boosting estrogen, only in the brain

    Scientists have developed a chemical that transforms into the hormone estrogen in the brain, but not the body, of rats.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Death by brain-eating amoeba is an inside job

    Immune response to brain-eating amoeba may be the real killer.

  5. Neuroscience

    Breakdown of Alzheimer’s protein slows with age

    It takes longer to get rid of an Alzheimer’s-associated protein with age.

  6. Neuroscience

    Bundles of cells hint at biological differences of autistic brains

    Using miniature organoids that mimic the human brain, scientists have identified developmental differences between autistic children and their non-autistic family members.

  7. Neuroscience

    How screams shatter the brain

    The acoustical properties of screams make them hard to ignore, a new study suggests.

  8. Neuroscience

    How screams shatter the brain

    The acoustical properties of screams make them hard to ignore, a new study suggests.

  9. Neuroscience

    ‘Speed cells’ found in rats’ brains

    Newly discovered “speed cells” clock rats’ swiftness.

  10. Neuroscience

    Putting time’s mysteries in order

    Investigating both the orderly and disorderly dimensions of time provides the focus for a special issue of Science News.

  11. Neuroscience

    Special Report: Dimensions of Time

    Science News writers report on the latest scientific investigations into time’s place in the physical, biological and mental worlds.

  12. Neuroscience

    How the brain perceives time

    To perceive time, the brain relies on internal clocks that precisely orchestrate movement, sensing, memories and learning.
