
  1. Neuroscience

    Sex influences ability to assess crowd’s emotion

    New analyses explain how people detect an angry mob or a happy party.

  2. Neuroscience

    High-fat diet’s negative effect on memory may fade

    Brain may find way to compensate for memory impairments linked to high-fat diets, study in rats shows.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Hollywood-made science documentary series comes to TV

    Breakthrough series gives a closer look at scientists at work.

  4. Neuroscience

    Multitaskers do worse on tasks that require focus

    Multitasking is more likely to impair teens’ focusing ability than improve it, study testing attention skills finds.

  5. Neuroscience

    Signs of Huntington’s show up in the brain in childhood

    Hints of Huntington’s disease show up in the brain long before symptoms do.

  6. Neuroscience

    Adolescent brains open to change

    Adolescent brains are still changing, a malleability that renders them particularly sensitive to the outside world.

  7. Neuroscience

    That familiar feeling comes from deep in the brain

    Knowing what’s new and what we’ve seen before is at the base of memory. A new study shows that with a flash of light, scientists can change the firing of brain cells, and make the old new again.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Weight and sun exposure linked to onset of multiple sclerosis

    Among people with multiple sclerosis, those with higher body mass and lower adolescent sun exposure tended to be diagnosed with the disease at an earlier age, a new study suggests.

  9. Neuroscience

    Kavli Foundation gives more money for the brain

    The Kavli Foundation will provide $100 million toward solving the mysteries of the brain.

  10. Genetics

    Brain cells’ DNA differs

    Every nerve cell may hold different DNA, a new study suggests.

  11. Neuroscience

    How a fat hormone might make us born to run

    Many runners finish long races in a euphoric mood. The underpinnings of this runner’s high may involve many chemicals, including the fat hormone leptin.

  12. Neuroscience

    Separate cell types encode memory’s time, place

    Cells called ocean cells help store a memory’s “where,” while other cells called island cells help store a memory’s “when.”
