
  1. Neuroscience

    Fentanyl’s death toll is rising

    The ability of fentanyl, an opioid, to freeze chest muscles within minutes may be to blame for some overdoses, a new autopsy study shows.

  2. Neuroscience

    Eating shuts down nerve cells that counter obesity

    A group of nerve cells shut down when food hits the lips, a study of mice finds.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Zika kills brain cells in adult mice

    Zika virus may harm more than babies: The virus can infect and kill brain cells in adult mice, too.

  4. Neuroscience

    Sleep deprivation hits some brain areas hard

    Brain scan study reveals hodgepodge effects of sleep deprivation.

  5. Neuroscience

    Mix of brain training, physical therapy can help paralyzed patients

    Long-term training with brain-machine interface helps people paralyzed by spinal cord injuries regain some feeling and function.

  6. Genetics

    Scientists get a glimpse of chemical tagging in live brains

    For the first time scientists can see where molecular tags known as epigenetic marks are placed in the brain.

  7. Genetics

    Scientists get a glimpse of chemical tagging in live brains

    For the first time scientists can see where molecular tags known as epigenetic marks are placed in the brain.

  8. Animals

    Betty the crow may not have invented her hook-bending tool trick

    Textbook example of Betty the crow’s proposed insight into toolmaking is now called into question by observations of similar hook bending by wild New Caledonian birds.

  9. Neuroscience

    Aging-related protein may play role in depression

    Mouse study reveals link between aging protein and depression.

  10. Neuroscience

    ‘Neural dust’ can listen to body’s electrical signals

    Tiny crystals can detect electrical signals in nerves and muscles of rats.

  11. Genetics

    Rats offer clues to biology of alcoholism

    Heavy-drinking rats are giving scientists new genetic clues to alcoholism.

  12. Neuroscience

    Red blood cells sense low oxygen in the brain

    Red blood cells sense low oxygen and speed to the scene, a new study suggests.
