
  1. Microbes

    Now we know how much glacial melting ‘watermelon snow’ can cause

    Algae that give snow a red tint are making glacial snow in Alaska melt faster.

  2. Genetics

    The Zika epidemic began long before anyone noticed

    Zika spread undetected into Brazil and Florida, a genetic study suggests.

  3. Climate

    Ocean acidification may hamper food web’s nitrogen-fixing heroes

    A new look at marine Trichodesmium microbes suggests trouble for nitrogen fixation in an acidifying ocean.

  4. Life

    Origin of photosynthesis may go further back than estimates from 50 years ago

    Analyzing ancient rocks has helped push back the date when photosynthetic organisms first emerged by nearly a billion years.

  5. Paleontology

    Oldest microfossils suggest life thrived on Earth about 4 billion years ago

    A new claim for the oldest microfossils on Earth suggests that life may have originated in hydrothermal vents, but some scientists have doubts.

  6. Microbes

    Microbes survived inside giant cave crystals for up to 50,000 years

    Microbes trapped in crystals in Mexico's Naica mine may represent some of the most distinct life-forms found in Earth so far.

  7. Earth

    Fossil microbes show how some life bounced back after dino-killing impact

    Pioneering microbes colonized the waters above the Chicxulub crater within hundreds of years following the impact, new research shows.

  8. Microbes

    Cut leaves in bagged salads help Salmonella grow

    Juice from torn-up leafy greens helps Salmonella spread in bagged salads.

  9. Plants

    Bacteria help carnivorous plants drown their prey

    Pitcher plant drowning traps are more difficult for an insect to escape when bacteria colonize them.

  10. Life

    Lichens are an early warning system for forest health

    Lichens, fascinating mosaics of fungi and algae or cyanobacteria, are made for sensing environmental change.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Staph infections still a concern

    Scientists have been searching for a vaccine against a deadly microbe for 50 years.

  12. Paleontology

    Ancient microbe fossils show earliest evidence of shell making

    Armor-plated, 809-million-year-old fossilized microbes discovered in Canada are the oldest known evidence of shell making.
