
  1. Physics

    Units of measure are getting a fundamental upgrade

    New units based on fundamental properties of the universe will make measurements more precise.

  2. Computing

    Shayan Oveis Gharan finds the shortest route to success

    Theoretical computer scientist Shayan Oveis Gharan has identified connections between unrelated fields to tackle the traveling salesman problem.

  3. Math

    Website tests predictive powers of the hive mind asks people to make predictions about the likelihood of future events.

  4. Math

    Courts’ use of statistics should be put on trial

    Bayesian statistics offer a useful tool for avoiding fallacies in legal reasoning.

  5. Computing

    New technique produces real randomness

    A new technique makes it easier for computers to roll the dice.

  6. Math

    Despite misuses, statistics still has solid foundation

    In "The Seven Pillars of Statistics Wisdom," Stephen Stigler lays out the basic principles of statistics.

  7. Math

    Claude Shannon’s information theory built the foundation for the digital era

    Claude Shannon, born 100 years ago, devised the mathematical representation of information that made the digital era possible.

  8. Animals

    Math models predict mysterious monarch navigation

    Researchers have come up with a series of equations to predict how monarchs use their eyes and antennae to figure out how to get to Mexico.

  9. Math

    Mathematicians find a peculiar pattern in primes

    Consecutive prime numbers don’t behave as randomly as mathematicians assumed.

  10. Math

    Experts issue warning on problems with P values

    A report from the American Statistical Association warns against misinterpretation and misuse of a common statistical test.

  11. Science & Society

    Science puzzles no longer so puzzling

    This year, researchers solved the riddle of mysterious radio bursts, the Erdös discrepancy problem and an elusive acid.

  12. Science & Society

    Year in review: Scientists tackle the irreproducibility problem

    In 2015, several research groups reported the extent to which experimental results don't hold up to replication.
