Hospitals motivated to skimp on infection control
A new mathematical model suggests that the presence of nearby hospitals may give a hospital an economic incentive to relax its infection-control efforts.
Sizing Up Complex Webs: Close or far, many networks look the same
Complex networks, including the World Wide Web, have a common architecture with snowflakes and trees.
When Laziness Pays: Math explains how cooperation and cheating evolve
Researchers have developed a mathematical model that helps explain how cooperation and cheating evolve among simple organisms.
Artful Routes
Finding the shortest routes linking cities can also produce intricate continuous-line portraits.
Pennies in a Tray
Packing pennies in circular trays can lead to intriguing mathematical complexities.
Take a Chance
Researchers are helping to turn the art of generating randomness into a precise science.
Con Artist: Scanning program can discern true art
A new mathematical tool distills painting style into an array of statistics as a potential means to spot forgeries.