Pentomino Pursuits
Pentominoes are flat shapes, or tiles, formed by joining together five unit squares. There are 12 different pentominoes. This set of simple geometrical objects has inspired a variety of puzzles and games, including the addictive pastime known as Tetris. The pentomino Web site, created by students of Belgian math teacher Odette De Meulemeester, provides all […]
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Ranking College Football Teams
Network math leads to an alternative, simpler ranking scheme for college football.
Climbing a Watery Slope
A water-walking insect can propel itself up steep, slippery slopes without moving its legs.
Pushing the Limit
Scientists are moving closer to constructing superefficient, noisefree data-transmission codes.
Ask-a-Friend Marketplaces
If you ask enough friends, paying for answers to questions can help you get the answers you need from a social network.
Numbers of No Escape
Playful iterative processes can get you stuck in mathemagical black holes.
Math Music
Curious about the sounds of pi, the music of Fibonacci numbers, the blare of chaos, or the chimes of a DNA sequence? This interactive Web site, developed by Jonathan Middleton and his team at Eastern Washington University, provides a variety of tools for composing music based on mathematical recipes that convert sequences of numbers into […]
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A Mathemusical Potpourri
Turning numbers and mathematical ideas into musical tones comes in many flavors.