
  1. Math

    Predicting Oscar

    And the Academy Award goes to . . . ?

  2. Math

    Math Plus Crime, TV Style

    Math tidbits from the TV show "Numb3rs" inspire commentary and classroom activities.

  3. Math

    College Friendships and Social Networks

    E-mail messages provide insights into the evolution of social networks.

  4. Math

    Team Mersenne

    The largest known prime number now runs to 9,152,052 decimal digits.

  5. Math

    Light Bulb Puzzles

    Light bulbs and switches combine to present infinite perplexities.

  6. Math

    Slide Rule Universe

    Nowadays, calculators and computers are essential tools for scientists and engineers. A few decades ago, however, an ingenious calculating device called the slide rule was in every engineer’s toolbox. This Web site provides a glimpse of those long-gone days. It provides references materials on the care, feeding, and use of slide rules, a slide-rule marketplace, […]

  7. Math

    A Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities

    Physical models of intriguing mathematical objects can add up to an enticing desktop display.

  8. Math

    Math Meets the Simpsons

    Over many years, the popular animated TV series The Simpsons has included numerous references to mathematics and even featured a mathematician as a character on the show. This Web site provides an episode-by-episode listing of references to math in The Simpsons, compiled by mathematicians Sarah J. Greenwald of Appalachian State University and Andrew Nestler of […]

  9. Math

    Surface Story

    Mathematicians have zeroed in on a new type of minimal surface based on a double helix.

  10. Math

    Parking Space Roulette

    What's the best strategy for finding a good parking spot quickly?

  11. Math

    Rating Researchers

    A physicist has come up with a formula for characterizing a researcher's scientific output.

  12. Math

    Problems to Sharpen the Young

    Medieval brainteasers have kept students and other people puzzled and entertained for centuries.
