- Math
Making Sense of the Web’s Structure
Pioneering studies of social networks and the Web's structure lead to a prestigious prize.
- Math
Fields Medals: Mathematicians win awards for geometry, physics, and probability
Fields Medals have been awarded to four mathematicians, including Grigori Perelman, who proved a famous conjecture about the shapes of higher-dimensional spheres.
- Math
Lake Wobegon Averages
Computing average class size can give different answers that depend on your point of view.
- Math
Chaotic Chomp
A new, physics-based approach to analyzing simple games, such as Chomp and Nim, reveals changing geometric patterns reminiscent of crystal growth.
- Math
Flirting with the Impossible
A new book champions the importance of imagination and fantasy in mathematics.
- Math
Magic Square Physics
Taking a magic square or cube for a spin reveals some interesting properties. For more math, visit the MathTrek blog.