
  1. Math

    The Essence of Group Conflict

    Eruptions of open conflict between ethnic or religious groups have a lot to do with the way communities are geographically distributed.

  2. Math

    Separate Is Never Equal

    Economic forces alone can explain why social segregation leads to inequalities in wealth and achievement.

  3. Math

    May the Best Team Win

    In sports leagues and playoffs, the strongest teams often don't triumph, but redesigning the schedule of games can improve their chances.

  4. Math

    Kidney Matchmaking

    A mathematical optimization strategy for pairing patients who need kidneys with willing donors could increase the number and quality of transplants.

  5. Math

    Calculating the Word Spurt

    Mathematics, not brain development, explains why toddlers begin to pick up words quickly after a slow start.

  6. Math

    Cracking the Cube

    A combination of mathematical analysis and supercomputer number-crunching proves that any Rubik's Cube can be solved in 26 moves or fewer.

  7. Math

    A Twist on the Möbius Band

    The twisted, single-sided loop known as a Möbius band, when made from a stiff material such as paper, takes on a complicated shape that researchers have finally calculated.

  8. Math

    Math as a Civil Right

    A longtime activist in the civil rights movement now teaches that mathematical literacy is the key to full participation in the country's economy.

  9. Math

    Mathematical Lives of Plants

    Mathematical models that capture the essence of biological growth mechanisms are beginning to reveal how plants develop structures with intriguingly elegant geometries.

  10. Math

    Free Choice + Punishment = Cooperation

    In a computer simulation of a multi-player game, cheaters didn't prosper when other participants could choose not to play.

  11. Math

    Sudoku and Graph Theory

    Solving sudoku puzzles may not require mathematics, but mathematicians have found plenty to say about the popular brainteasers.

  12. Math

    A Golden Sales Pitch

    A design incorporating the golden ratio makes blue jeans aesthetically pleasing, or so the manufacturer claims.
