
  1. Math

    National Museum of Mathematics is antidote to math phobia

    New York's National Museum of Mathematics offers a physical, tactile, even rambunctious presentation of math.

  2. Math

    The Improbability Principle

    The laws of mathematics and physics suffice to explain a world of coincidences, statistician David J. Hand argues.

  3. Math

    Doctors flunk quiz on screening-test math

    Many doctors, and the news media, don’t understand that because of the statistics of screening tests, a test with 90 percent accuracy can give a wrong diagnosis more than 90 percent of the time.

  4. Math

    Our Mathematical Universe

    Math is everywhere: medicine, sports, banking, gambling, National Security Agency espionage.

  5. Math

    Goldberg variations: New shapes for molecular cages

    Scientists have figured a way to iron out the wrinkles in a large class of molecular cages.

  6. Math

    There’s something suspicious about using statistics to test statistics

    The use of statistics to validate medical studies suffers from flaws of faulty assumptions.

  7. Math

    To make science better, watch out for statistical flaws

    Study denying that most medical research papers are wrong may turn out to be wrong.

  8. Science & Society

    In a nuclear attack, there’s no avoiding the brutal math

    Knowing a few key numbers could help save your life if a nuclear bomb drops.

  9. Math

    Tomorrow’s catch

    A biologist who formerly applied his mathematical talents in finance has developed new ways of predicting the ups and downs of fish populations.

  10. Computing

    Materials’ light tricks may soon extend to doing math

    A simulation paves the way toward metamaterials that can perform ultrafast complex mathematical operations using light waves.

  11. Math

    Year in Review: Progress made toward twin prime proof

    A surprising advance sparks a flurry of work on the mathematical conjecture.

  12. Math

    Twin primes and prime bunches in mathematicians’ crosshairs

    For second time this year, a mathematician makes a major advance toward proving a long-standing conjecture.
