Materials Science

  1. Materials Science

    Mammal cells make fake spider silk better

    Using long and abundant water-soluble proteins secreted by bioengineered mammal cells, scientists have spun the first artificial spider silk demonstrated to have some of the remarkable mechanical properties of the real thing.

  2. Materials Science

    Flattery for Faience

    By replicating ancient materials with their own hands, researchers are gaining new insights into details of Egyptian faience manufacture that have been lost for thousands of years.

  3. Materials Science

    Getting Out the Thorn

    Researchers are developing new ways to improve the compatibility of implantable biomaterials in the body.

  4. Materials Science

    Can ancient stone avoid salt attacks?

    Researchers have found that a polymer coating can protect stone from damage caused by growing crystals.

  5. Materials Science

    Carbon nanotubes turn on water flow

    Computer simulations show that water molecules will quicklye nter and flow along a carbon nanotube just 8 nanometers in diameter.

  6. Materials Science

    Bonds make a sacrifice for tough bones

    Researchers report that easily broken bonds in collagen may help prevent bones from easily fracturing.

  7. Materials Science

    Synthetic molecules mimic bone growth

    Researchers have created molecules that assemble into a microscopic structure that mimics bone.

  8. Materials Science

    Adhesive loses its stick with heat

    A new type of epoxy adhesive loses its stickiness when heated, allowing easy separation of materials that were once tightly bonded.

  9. Materials Science

    Tiny detector finds hydrogen better

    Researchers have made a miniature device that can quickly detect hydrogen leaks.

  10. Materials Science

    Ceramics stretch for future applications

    Researchers have created a ceramic that stretches to 10 times its original length in record time.

  11. Materials Science

    Materials use nitric oxide to kill bacteria

    A novel coating may offer a new way to fend off microbial buildup on catheters, artificial hips, and replacement cardiac valves.

  12. Materials Science

    Speed demon gets hooked on silicon

    A method for coating silicon with high-performance semiconductors such as gallium arsenide may make faster, low-power microcircuits both cheaper and more widespread.
