Materials Science

  1. Materials Science

    Blunt Answer: Cracking the puzzle of elastic solids’ toughness

    Rubbery materials prove tougher than theory predicts because cracks trying to penetrate those stretchy materials grow blunt at their tips.

  2. Materials Science

    Bone Fix: New material responds to growing tissue

    A new scaffolding material stimulates bone regeneration.

  3. Materials Science

    The New Cavity Fighters

    Novel products could lead to fewer dates with the drill.

  4. Materials Science

    Between the Sheets: In reactors and nanotubes, errant atoms get a grip

    A new computer simulation predicts that neutron irradiation of graphite displaces atoms and bonds in unexpected ways.

  5. Materials Science

    Invent by Number: Researchers predict, then produce superior titanium alloys

    Researchers have developed a new method or making titanium-based alloys with many qualities far superior to those in any alloy previously known.

  6. Materials Science

    A New Cool: Prototype chills fast and electrifies, too

    Researchers have incorporated an efficient thermoelectric material into a prototype device that can cool or produce electricity.

  7. Materials Science

    A Hard Little Lesson: Squeezed nanospheres grow superstrong

    A substance not known for its hardness—silicon—becomes one of the hardest of materials when formed into ultrasmall spheres.

  8. Materials Science

    A new carbon nanotool springs to life

    Physicists have pulled out the inside cylinders of multiwall carbon nanotubes, as if expanding a telescope, indicating how the devices may serve as tiny bearings and springs in future nanomachines.

  9. Materials Science

    Making Polymers That Self-Destruct: Layers break apart in controlled way

    A new polymer film chews itself apart under certain conditions, making it a potential candidate for the controlled delivery of therapeutic drugs.

  10. Materials Science

    Waterproof Coats: Materials repel water with simplicity, style

    Researchers have produced new types of water-repelling surfaces, including one that's colorful and another made of inexpensive plastic.

  11. Materials Science

    Technique may yield vocal cord stand-in

    A plastic material used in some biological implants could someday form a foundation for tissue that can repair or replace human vocal cords.

  12. Materials Science

    Ceramic rebounds from stressful situations

    The ceramic titanium silicon carbide can fully recover after being compressed to a degree that would leave most ceramics shattered and most metals permanently deformed.
