Materials Science

  1. Materials Science

    Cathedral has weathered London’s acid rain

    A decrease in acid rain seems to be responsible for newly reported reduced deterioration rates of St. Paul's Cathedral in London.

  2. Materials Science

    Easy Repair: Novel structural model heals with heat

    The vertebrate spine has provided inspiration for making new structures that heal when heated.

  3. Materials Science

    Lithium Sees the Light: Images of tiny ion may help battery designers

    An electron microscope has captured images of tiny lithium ions for the first time.

  4. Materials Science

    Material mimics mother-of-pearl in form and substance

    A new synthetic material is so strong and tough that it might one day be used to construct artificial bones or even auto parts.

  5. Materials Science

    Fixed Focus: Adjustable lenses from liquid droplets

    Seasoned with a pinch of salt, droplets of a polymer precursor become voltage-adjustable lenses that may cut costs in fiberoptic telecommunications.

  6. Materials Science

    Super Fibers: Nanotubes make tough threads

    New fibers made from carbon nanotubes and a polymer appear tougher than any other known synthetic or natural material.

  7. Materials Science

    Convenient hydrogen storage?

    A new porous material of metal and organic molecular parts may prove useful for storing hydrogen fuel.

  8. Materials Science

    Caught on Tape: Gecko-inspired adhesive is superstrong

    Researchers have emulated a gecko's sticking power to create a superstrong adhesive.

  9. Materials Science

    Melt-Resistant Metals: Carbon coating keeps atoms in order

    Shrink-wrapped in carbon, nanoscale metal chunks melt at extraordinarily high temperatures, suggesting carbon coatings as a route to higher heat resistance for materials and devices.

  10. Materials Science

    Zeolites get an organic makeover

    Scientists can now incorporate organic groups into the framework of zeolites, a kind of inorganic crystal.

  11. Materials Science

    Nanofluid Flow: Detergents may benefit from new insight

    Fluids containing nanoscale particles spread and readily lift oil droplets off a surface.

  12. Materials Science

    Apollo attire needs care

    Advanced spacesuits protected astronauts far from Earth just 30 years ago, but the materials have already deteriorated.
