Materials Science

  1. Materials Science

    A sticky issue

    Peeling off adhesive tape can be frustrating, and now researchers know why.

  2. Materials Science

    Cellulose that stiffens and softens

    A material inspired by sea cucumbers morphs from rigid to soft.

  3. Materials Science

    Fishy flash

    Fish alter the growth of crystals in their skin, making it supershiny.

  4. Materials Science

    Life in Print

    Tissues printed with an ink-jet could provide patches for damaged organs, new cell-based materials for drug testing, new ways to probe cellular communication, living sensors, or even fuel cell–type batteries.

  5. Materials Science

    Snappy Transition: Venus flytrap inspires new materials

    Inspired by the quick-shut action of the Venus flytrap, researchers have designed a patterned surface with microscale hills that can rapidly flip to form valleys.

  6. Materials Science

    Printing scheme could yield 3-D photonic crystals

    An innovative printing scheme makes three-dimensional crystal structures that could be used to control the flow of light.

  7. Materials Science

    Polymer could improve natural gas purification

    A new polymer membrane that efficiently separates carbon dioxide from methane could greatly ease the processing of natural gas.

  8. Materials Science

    Feet of clay, but superstrong

    Gluing together nanoscale clay particles with a simple adhesive creates a strong but flexible material.

  9. Materials Science

    Shocking Sheets: Power paper packs a punch

    Ultrathin sheets made from cellulose and carbon nanotubes could serve as flexible, versatile batteries.

  10. Materials Science

    Pliable carbon

    The layers of carbon atoms that form graphite can be assembled into strong but flexible "graphene paper."

  11. Materials Science

    Crinkle wrinkle

    Wrinkles reveal a thin film's thickness and elasticity.

  12. Materials Science

    Gecko adhesive gets added mussel

    A new adhesive that borrows tricks from the gecko and the mussel can stick and detach repeatedly and works even when wet.
