Materials Science

  1. Animals

    These transparent fish turn rainbow with white light. Now, we know why

    Repeated structures in the ghost catfish’s muscles separate white light that passes through their bodies into different wavelengths.

  2. Materials Science

    These shape-shifting devices melt and re-form thanks to magnetic fields

    Miniature machines made of gallium embedded with magnetic particles can switch between solid and liquid states.

  3. Materials Science

    Want a ‘Shrinky Dinks’ approach to nano-sized devices? Try hydrogels

    Patterning hydrogels with a laser and then shrinking them down with chemicals offers a way to make nanoscopic structures out of many materials.

  4. Chemistry

    These chemists cracked the code to long-lasting Roman concrete

    Roman concrete has stood the test of time, so scientists searched ruins to unlock the ancient recipe that could help architecture and climate change.

  5. Animals

    Here’s how polar bears might get traction on snow

    Microstructures on the Arctic animals’ paws might offer extra friction that keeps them from slipping on snow, a new study reports.

  6. Animals

    Sea urchin skeletons’ splendid patterns may strengthen their structure

    “Voronoi” geometric patterns found in sea urchin skeletons yield strong yet lightweight structures that could inspire the creation of new materials.

  7. Health & Medicine

    This stick-on ultrasound patch could let you watch your own heart beat

    A new, coin-sized ultrasound probe can stick to the skin like a Band-Aid for up to two days straight, marking a milestone in personalized medicine.

  8. Physics

    Experiments hint at why bird nests are so sturdy

    A bird’s nest is a special version of a granular material. Lab experiments and computer simulations explain its quirky behavior.

  9. Materials Science

    This fabric can hear your heartbeat

    With special fibers that convert tiny vibrations to voltages, a new fabric senses sounds, letting it act as a microphone or a speaker.

  10. Computing

    Core memory weavers and Navajo women made the Apollo missions possible

    The stories of the women who assembled integrated circuits and wove core memory for the Apollo missions remain largely unknown.

  11. Animals

    How lizards keep detachable tails from falling off

    A hierarchical structure of micropillars and nanopores allows the tail to break away when necessary while preventing it from easily detaching.

  12. Animals

    A diamondlike structure gives some starfish skeletons their strength

    Electron microscope images of knobby starfish’s calcite skeletons reveal an unexpected architecture that compensates for the mineral’s brittleness.
