Materials Science

  1. Materials Science

    Electron waves refract negatively

    Waves of electrons have been bent backward in a sheet of graphene, allowing physicists to focus electrons the way a lens focuses light.

  2. Materials Science

    Graphene shows signs of superconductivity

    Ultrathin sheets of carbon can conduct electrical current with no resistance at low temperatures.

  3. Materials Science

    Nanogenerators harvest body’s energy to power devices

    Nanogenerators offer body-harvested energy to fuel bionic future

  4. Materials Science

    Buckyballs turn on copper’s magnetism

    Exposure to buckyballs bestows ironlike magnetic properties onto the normally nonmagnetic metals copper and manganese.

  5. Materials Science

    Stretchy fiber lets electrons flow

    Folded layers of carbon nanotubes allow an elastic fiber to conduct electrical current when stretched.

  6. Materials Science

    Stretchy fiber keeps electrons flowing

    Folded layers of carbon nanotubes allow an elastic fiber to conduct electrical current when stretched.

  7. Anthropology

    Neandertal bling and more reader feedback

  8. Materials Science

    Like a balloon, peculiar magnet grows and shrinks

    A recently discovered alloy of iron and gallium can expand and contract like a balloon when exposed to a magnetic field.

  9. Paleontology

    Suds versus nanoparticles and more reader feedback

    Readers discuss the posture of an ancient reptile and why washing machines and nanoparticles don't mix.

  10. Materials Science

    Spiders spin stronger threads with nanotubes

    Spiders sprayed with carbon nanotubes spin supertough strands of silk.

  11. Physics

    Electron pairs can take the heat

    Electrons have been found pairing up for the first time in a solid that is not in a superconducting state.

  12. Materials Science

    A new spin on guiding sound waves along a one-way route

    A proposed acoustic topological insulator made of an array of spinning metal rods would channel sound waves in one direction along its edge, preventing any sound from bouncing away.
