
  1. Ecosystems

    Are They Really Extinct?

    A few optimists keep looking for species that might already have gone extinct.

  2. Paleontology

    Duck-faced croc had a gap-toothed grin

    Paleontologists have unearthed fossils of a tiny crocodile that boasted a smile like no other: The animal had no teeth across the entire front of its mouth.

  3. Animals

    Honey-Scented Elephants: Young males’ faces drip sweet signals

    An Asian bull elephant just reaching maturity secretes a liquid from glands on its face that smells like honey.

  4. Paleontology

    No Olympian: Analysis hints T. rex ran slowly, if at all

    Tyrannosaurus rex, a bipedal meat eater considered by many to be the most fearsome dinosaur of its day, may not have been the swift Jeep-chaser portrayed by Hollywood.

  5. Ecosystems

    Cryptic Invasion: Native reeds harbor aggressive alien

    A mild-mannered reed native to the United States is getting blamed for the mayhem caused by an evil twin.

  6. Paleontology

    Dinosaur tracks show walking and running

    A single trail of dinosaur footprints found in a British limestone quarry preserves a record of two different walking styles in the same animal, a tantalizing clue that some types of lumbering, bipedal dinosaurs could also run if the need arose.

  7. Ecosystems

    Biodiversity Hot Spots: Top 10 sea locales make sobering list

    Biologists have identified the world's most vulnerable coral reefs, each with organisms found nowhere else and threatened by human influence.

  8. Animals

    Yellower blue tits make better dads

    The yellow feathers on a male blue tit's breast could tell females that he'll be a good provider for the chicks.

  9. Plants

    Tropical plants grow cool flowers

    Tropical plants that position their flowers in the general direction of the sun are keeping the temperature comfortable for pollinators.

  10. Plants

    Petite pollinators: Tree raises its own crop of couriers

    A common tropical tree creates farms in its buds, where it raises its own work force of tiny pollinators.

  11. Ecosystems

    Genetic lynx: North American lynx make one huge family

    A new study of lynx in North America suggests the animals interbreed widely, sometimes with populations thousands of kilometers away.

  12. Plants

    Shower power: Raindrops shoot seeds out with a splat

    In a seed-dispersal mechanism scientists have never seen before in flowering plants, rain plops into a capsule and makes seeds shoot out the corners.
