
  1. Life

    Sepsis buster

    The Ashwell receptor, a sugar-binding protein on liver cells, helps fight sepsis by clearing blood-clotting factors. The discovery clears up years of mystery surrounding the receptor’s function.

  2. Earth

    Froggie Needs a Name – and Help

    To help raise awareness about the plight of frogs and toads, which are disappearing globally, Amphibian Ark is selling formal naming rights to an unusual frog.

  3. Life

    Protective protein

    Discovering how bacteria defend themselves from foreign DNA might improve techniques for using microbes as little factories to make human proteins.

  4. Animals

    Wild innovation

    Researchers have published a rare description of a wild chimpanzee devising and modifying a novel form of tool use.

  5. Animals

    Polar bears listed

    Polar bear declared "threatened," but Secretary limits decision's impact.

  6. Life

    Just ain’t natural

    Monster data crunch strengthens case that climate is disrupted.

  7. Life

    Identifying viable embryos

    New genetic tests to distinguish viable from nonviable embryos may help eliminate risky multiple births from fertility procedures.

  8. Tech

    The flap on dragonfly flight

    New experiments have revealed an aerodynamic trick that dragonflies use to fly efficiently — a trick that engineers could exploit to improve the energy efficiency of small aerial vehicles with a similar design.

  9. Life

    Good night, Sloth

    First EEG of free-roaming animals finds less sleeping in the real world.

  10. Plants

    One gene, many shapes

    A single genetic change may lead to the notable diversity of leaves seen in Galapagos Island tomato plants.

  11. Health & Medicine

    BOOK REVIEW | Microcosm: E. coli and the New Science of Life

    Review by Elizabeth Quill.

  12. Life

    BOOK LIST | Manipulative Monkeys: The Capuchins of Lomas Barbudal

    Primatologists follow the social lives of these big-brained Costa Rican monkeys. Harvard Univ. Press, 2008 358 p. $45 MANIPULATIVE MONKEYS
