
  1. Science & Society

    Climate Threatens Living Fossil

    Thanks to global warming, within the lifetimes of certain reptiles in the South Pacific, all members of their species could be born male.

  2. Life

    Embryos can learn visually

    For cuttlefish embryos, what they see is what they'll crave as food later

  3. Chemistry

    HIV knockout

    Cutting a gene in immune cells could offer a new way to treat HIV infections.

  4. Animals

    Mighty mites

    Mites that were thought to be parasites to their host wasps turn out to be bodyguards, attacking intruders.

  5. Animals

    Live fast, die young

    With a lifespan of just five months, the chameleon Furcifer labordi leads a briefer life than any other land-dwelling vertebrate.

  6. Math

    Optimizing leafy networks

    Scientists reveal a mathematical principle underlying the arrangement of leaf veins in plant species.

  7. Animals

    Whaling, to be announced

    The 60th meeting of the International Whaling Commission defers voting on deadlocked issues

  8. Ecosystems

    Ecosystem engineers

    Nonnative earthworms are deliberately burying ragweed seeds, enhancing the weed’s growth, researchers report.

  9. Chemistry

    Quantifying the “gene for” fallacy

    Looking at one gene at a time misses about a third of the genes that contribute to the way a cell functions, scientists say.

  10. Life

    Viruses rewritten

    Scientists could create wimpy versions of real viruses to develop vaccines for emerging diseases.

  11. Life

    Losing sleep

    A genetic source of mental retardation and autism may also disrupt sleep patterns.

  12. Agriculture

    Bee-Loved Plantings

    Zipcode-organized guidelines tell gardeners, farmers and others how to design a landscape that will not only entice pollinators but also keep these horticultural helpers happy.
