
  1. Life

    Wine find

    Cell tests suggest that resveratrol, the substance that seems to account for the healthful effects of red wine, might have antiobesity effects, too.

  2. Archaeology

    Resurrection of a biblical tree

    Date palm pit found at Masada sprouts at age 2,000, becoming the oldest known seed to germinate.

  3. Health & Medicine

    No babies, no hormones

    A radically different form of contraception would prevent pregnancies with small molecules of RNA.

  4. Humans

    Wash Your Veggies!

    The lesson in all of these food-poisoning outbreaks is that we must not expect a risk-free food-supply chain.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Virus versus virus

    Customized RNA snippets delivered by a harmless virus could someday provide a new way to combat the hepatitis B virus.

  6. Climate

    Goldilocks tree leaves

    Leaves mostly keep their cool (or warmth) wherever they live, a finding that might affect reconstructions of past climates.

  7. Physics

    Life’s code in soap

    The mathematics of soapy water yields some clues to the origin of the genetic code.

  8. Physics

    Suction hunters

    Scientists reveal new details on how extendable jaws help fish capture prey.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Thanks for the pounds, Mom

    When inherited from mom, a gene linked to obesity and diabetes interferes with blood sugar metabolism.

  10. Animals

    Invasion of the salmon

    Chinook salmon, dwindling in the United States, go wild in South America.

  11. Paleontology

    Ancient burrows

    Triassic-era sediments unearthed in Antarctica reveal the well-preserved lair of a four-legged, mammal-like reptile.

  12. Paleontology

    A mammoth divide

    Woolly mammoths roamed Siberia in two distinct clans, and the split between the groups, scientists say, is surprisingly deep, occurring more than 1 million years ago.
