
  1. Humans

    Bypassing paralyzed nerves

    Implanted electrode helps paralyzed monkey clench its forearm muscles.

  2. Life

    Grunting humans, moles scare earthworms

    Science tackles the old mystery of why worm grunters who rub a stake in the ground can catch earthworms.

  3. Earth

    Salinity sensors

    Trace elements in the carbonate shells of freshwater mussels could serve as an archive of road salt pollution.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Body In Mind

    Long thought the province of the abstract, cognition may actually evolve as physical experiences and actions ignite mental life.

  5. Life

    Parenthood: Male sharks need not apply

    A second case of a virgin shark birth suggests some female sharks may be able to reproduce without males.

  6. Life

    Climate warms, creatures head for the hills

    Unusual data let scientists test predictions that global warming drives species up slopes.

  7. Life

    Community of one

    Scientists have discovered how a single bacterial species living in a gold mine in South Africa survives on its own. Its genome contains everything it needs to live independently.

  8. Paleontology

    New arthropod species really stuck together

    Recent fossil discovery shows that new species of arthropod formed chains, raising the possibility of communal behavior.

  9. Life

    A better understanding of inherited breast cancer

    New studies on a type of inherited breast cancer identify a key factor with different roles in different cancers.

  10. Earth

    Pterodactyls may soar once more

    Paleontologists and aeronautical engineers are designing a reconnaissance drone that will mimic the flight of an ancient flying reptile.

  11. Life

    Old age causes problems for gut cells

    Intestinal stem cells go awry in elderly flies.

  12. Life

    Tough times for mammals

    Between a fifth and a third of the world’s mammal species face the threat of extinction.
