
  1. Health & Medicine

    Cancer fighting green tea may have a dark side

    This herbal remedy can short-circuit one of the few useful therapies for largely incurable blood cancers.

  2. Genetics

    Dog gene heeds call of the wild

    Domesticated dogs passed a gene for dark fur color to their wild cousins.

  3. Life

    Caterpillar noise tricks ants into service

    Sneaky interlopers mimic the “voice” of an ant queen to get royal treatment from the colony. (Audio included.)

  4. Earth

    Animal ancestors may have survived ‘snowball Earth’

    Chemical fossils in Precambrian sedimentary rock push back the first date for animal life.

  5. Life

    Earliest whales gave birth on land

    Recently discovered fossils of a protowhale help fill in gaps in the land-to-water transition.

  6. Chemistry

    Nonstick chemicals linked to infertility

    Featured blog: Infertility doubled in women who had high concentrations of commercially produced nonstick chemicals polluting their blood.

  7. Life

    Nemo could get lost again as seawater approaches acidity

    Reef fish raised at a seawater pH expected for the year 2100 don't smell their way around normally.

  8. Life

    Darwin Web Special PDFs

  9. Life

    Whipping fluids along in microlabs

    Researchers have detailed one way for hairlike structures to drive liquid in a "lab on a chip."

  10. Life

    Serotonin turns shy locusts into cereal killers

    Serotonin can turn solitary locusts into swarming biblical-scale crop destroyers.

  11. Life

    Triceratops may have been headbangers

    Lesions on Triceratops fossils are attributed to head-to-head combat in a new study.

  12. Life

    A honeybee tells two from three

    Honeybees can generalize about numbers, at least up to three, a new study reports.
