
  1. Life

    Fish feel the flow

    New model explains how fish rely on their lateral lines to read wakes.

  2. Life

    Book Review: The Root of Thought: Unlocking Glia–The Brain Cell That Will Help Us Sharpen Our Wits, Heal Injury, and Treat Brain Disease by Andrew Koob

    Review by Tina Hesman Saey.

  3. Life

    Bent innards give orchid its kick

    Violent pollen delivery in Catasetum flowers gets its power from temporarily deformed inner strip

  4. Ecosystems

    Churning the numbers

    Some of the ocean’s small swimmers may be having a big impact on ocean mixing.

  5. Agriculture

    How weed killers might protect our eyes: It’s corny

    Herbicides can boost trace-nutrient concentrations in sweet corn.

  6. Chemistry

    Brilliant blue for the spine

    A study in rats suggests the blue dye similar to that found in popsicles and sports drinks may prevent cell death after spinal cord injury.

  7. Life

    Allergy meds slim down obese mice

    Animal study shows over-the-counter medications lower weight and treat type 2 diabetes. The study is one of four to link type 2 diabetes with the immune system.

  8. Paleontology

    Fossil shows first all-American honeybee

    Nevada find contradicts long-held view of Europe and Asia as the native land of all honeybees.

  9. Animals

    Toucan’s bill gives big chill

    Bird’s supersized bill can switch personal air conditioning on and off, new research suggests.

  10. Life

    Beetle masters optics

    Researchers may gain inspiration from the shell of Chrysina gloriosa, which twists light in a particular way.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Chimpanzees die from primate version of HIV

    A new study links the simian immunodeficiency virus to serious AIDS-like illness in a wild population.

  12. Life

    Protein plays three cancer-fighting roles

    The tumor suppressor protein, p53, has three ways to protect cells from turning cancerous. A new study shows that p53 helps make microRNAs.
