
  1. Life

    Cattle genome sequenced

    Researchers unlock the DNA of M-O-O.

  2. Plants

    Oops, missed that tree

    Until now, an acacia common in its African homeland had no scientific name

  3. Animals

    Ants do real estate the simple way

    Tracking ants with anti-shoplifter RFID tags has inspired a new, simplified view of how a colony finds a home

  4. Earth

    A little air pollution boosts vegetation’s carbon uptake

    Aerosols bumped up world’s plant productivity by 25 percent in the 1960s and 1970s, new research suggests.

  5. Earth

    Fossil of a walking seal found

    A fossil skeleton discovered in the Canadian Arctic could represent a missing link in pinniped evolution.

  6. Life

    Fossil evidence for a Goldilocks tyrannosaur

    A newly described species of tyrannosaur helps fill in details about the fearsome meat-eating dinosaurs.

  7. Life

    New neurons don’t heal

    New neurons produced in the brain after a stroke don’t grow into all the cell types needed to heal the wound.

  8. Earth

    An earlier appearance for the first land plants

    Fossilized pollen could show that modern land plants evolved earlier than thought.

  9. Planetary Science

    Antarctic ecosystem holds unusual microbes

    Long isolated deep under a glacier, life thrives in dark, salty water by breathing iron and eating sulfates.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Seemingly misplaced DNA acts as lenses

    Nocturnal animals orient DNA in retinal cells to focus light.

  11. Life

    Lizards sunbathe for another reason

    Panther chameleons may regulate their vitamin D levels by lounging in the sun.

  12. Plants

    Yo, aphid, I’m red and I’m bad

    Apple trees support the idea that red fall colors are a warning signal to insects.
