
  1. Chemistry

    Changing charges make for squid rainbow

    Study finds how proteins self assemble in the cells of Loligo squid to reflect different wavelengths of light

  2. Math

    Math mimics hard-to-heal wounds

    New model may lead to better treatments for chronic, blood-deprived sores

  3. Ecosystems

    Venom attracts decapitating flies

    New study may help scientists improve control of invasive fire ants

  4. Life

    Locust wings built for the long haul

    Flexible wings help locusts maximize efficiency in flight, new research shows.

  5. Paleontology

    Tiny T. rex-like tyrants

    Fossils of new species suggest peculiar features weren’t limited to the biggest dinosaurs

  6. Life

    Dino-era delivery at sea

    Genetic determination of gender is linked to live birth and evolutionary success of ancient marine reptiles, study finds.

  7. Animals

    Ants in the pants drive away birds

    Yellow crazy ants can get so annoying that birds don’t eat their normal fruits, a new study finds.

  8. Ecosystems

    As climate shifts, birds follow

    Most of the birds in California’s Sierra Nevada range are on the move in response to recent climate changes.

  9. Agriculture

    Potato famine pathogen packs unusual, sneaky genome

    DNA of infamous Phytophthora microbe reveals big, quick-changing zones, possibly the key to the pathogen’s vexing adaptability

  10. Life

    One coral alga explodes with temperature increase

    A rare species of coral algae exploded in population when ocean temperatures increased, a new study shows.

  11. Animals

    Vultures get their day

    Hurray for avian garbage collectors.

  12. Ecosystems

    Google works on a different web

    Page ranking system inspires algorithm for predicting food webs’ vulnerability.
