
  1. Life

    Genes & Cells

    Smoking can damage DNA in a flash, plus more in this week's news.

  2. Life

    Running a cancer roadblock

    A new study shows how cells escaping from a breast tumor overcome a piece of RNA that usually stops them.

  3. Physics

    X-raying life’s microscopic machinery

    A powerful new laser technique promises to reveal the cell’s molecular components in detailed, 3-D images.

  4. Life


    New studies unveil the fire ant genome and why honeybee personalities matter, plus more in the week’s biology news.

  5. Life

    Ants manage incest without inbreeding

    An unorthodox family structure may have helped longhorn crazy ants spread around the globe.

  6. Life

    Straight to the heart

    New method transforms skin cells directly into beating cardiac cells.

  7. Life

    Aerobic exercise boosts memory

    Regular walking improved seniors' recall and reversed declines in the size of a brain structure important for remembering.

  8. Life

    Pneumonia drugs helped evolve a superbug

    As told through DNA from historical samples, a deadly bacterium reveals how it developed the ability to evade antibiotics and a vaccine.

  9. Life

    Deadly for bugs, perfect for bat naps

    A death chamber for insects, the interior of a carnivorous pitcher plant doubles as a cozy daytime roost for small, flying woolly mammals.

  10. Math

    Unnatural selection

    Inflicting damage on targeted species can help preserve perturbed ecosystems.

  11. Animals

    Chimps wear personalities on their mugs

    Humans can assess the dominance of their close evolutionary relatives by glancing at the apes’ expressionless faces.

  12. Chemistry

    Wee work-around lets microbes thrive

    Some crafty, salt-loving cells use stolen equipment for processing a key cellular building block.
