Hagfish may eat through their skin
The odd dining habits of carrion-eating protovertebrates may be relevant to the evolutionary transition to land.
By Susan Milius -
Lab-engineered organism fights malaria
A new breed of poison-secreting fungi can kill parasites in a mosquito.
U.S. probably began global fire ant spread
A genetic study shows that recent international invasions likely originated in the U.S. South, not the species’ native South American range.
By Susan Milius -
Genes & Cells
Mouse fur yields insights into the genetics of camouflage, plus more in this week’s news.
By Science News -
Mad cow-type diseases lie in wait
Prion infections build quickly in the brain then pause before killing, new research suggests.
Tobacco tricks caterpillars with treats
Larvae that eat tempting hairs on the plant's leaves make themselves more attractive to predators.
By Susan Milius -
One type of squid camouflages itself with reflective eyes, plus more in this week's news.
By Science News -
Physics of burrowing sandfish revealed
A new study shows how sandfish lizards swim through Saharan sands, a find that could inspire better burrowing tools for use in the aftermath of disasters.
Biologists go bats for storm-watch data
Borrowing meteorologists’ weather radar info may reveal new view of the ecology of flying animals.
By Susan Milius -
Gulf floor fouled by bacterial oil feast
Observations may explain the widespread mortality of sediment-dwelling animals.
By Janet Raloff -
Some genes like it hot
Some regional DNA differences may be due to climate, global surveys suggest.
Genes & Cells
A study of the Amish reveals that sleep habits are inherited, plus more in this week’s news.
By Science News