Acidifying oceans helped fuel mass extinction
The great die-off 250 million years ago could trace in part to hostile water conditions, a modeling study suggests.
Genes & Cells
Bacterium’s DNA mostly unused, the death of Black Death and more in this week’s news.
By Science News -
Woolly rhinos came down from the cold
Ice Age icons were already adapted to harsh climate, new fossils suggest.
By Susan Milius -
Bird marriages hurt by city hubbub, tadpoles poison their own kind and more in this week's news.
By Science News -
Pooping pandas may make better biofuels
Gut microbes break down bamboo efficiently, inspiring new approaches to process raw plant materials for fuel.
Belly bacteria boss the brain
One type of gut microbe sends antianxiety messages through the vagus nerve, changing the behavior of mice.
Genes & Cells
Lying sea bass labels, marijuana's genome sequenced and more in this week's news.
By Science News -
Helping Bats Hold On
Scientists seek a savior as a deadly fungal pandemic explodes through vulnerable colonies.
By Janet Raloff -
Genes may explain who gets sick from flu
People who stay well even after being exposed to the flu have a strong immune reaction to the virus, but in exactly the opposite way as those who get sick.
Young elephant struck by idea
In a test of insight, a 7-year-old pachyderm finds a way to use toy cube to snag a fruity treat hung just out of reach.
By Susan Milius -
Anti-dengue mosquitoes, ancient stallion genes and more in this week's news.
By Science News -
Health & Medicine
Studies shed light on Ebola’s M.O.
New findings reveal a key step in how the deadly virus infects cells — and identify compounds that may thwart it.
By Nathan Seppa