- Life
Ebola may go airborne
Infected pigs can transmit virus to primates without contact, a new study finds.
- Anthropology
Highlights from the American Society of Human Genetics annual meeting
Iceman’s origins, DNA fingerprinting, microRNAs and cancer risk, and growth genes and obesity risk.
- Life
Telomere length linked to risk of dying
Large study examines association between protective caps at end of chromosomes and health.
- Life
Rare genetic tweaks may not be behind common diseases
Variants thought to be behind inherited conditions prove difficult to pin down.
- Life
Seaweed-threatened corals send chemical SOS to fish
The cry for help summons allies to graze away the algal overgrowth.
By Susan Milius -
- Life
Cancer cells self-destruct in blind mole rats
Underground rodents evolved a way to zap mutating tissue.
- Life
Trunk in cheek, elephant mimics Korean
Novel posture lets animal imitate sounds of human words.
By Susan Milius - Science & Society
Insect illustrator
Taina Litwak is an “art department of one” in D.C. for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Systematic Entomology Laboratory.
By Roberta Kwok - Life
Extensive bird family tree rewrites some history
Unexpected pattern of evolution found across hemispheres.
By Susan Milius - Life
Across 1,000 genomes, rarities abound
Number of infrequent genetic variants reflects human population explosion and geographic diversity.
- Life
Hunting dark matter with DNA
Particle physicists propose a new way to detect dark matter using the molecule of life.
By Tanya Lewis