Ebola may go airborne
Infected pigs can transmit virus to primates without contact, a new study finds.
Highlights from the American Society of Human Genetics annual meeting
Iceman’s origins, DNA fingerprinting, microRNAs and cancer risk, and growth genes and obesity risk.
Telomere length linked to risk of dying
Large study examines association between protective caps at end of chromosomes and health.
Rare genetic tweaks may not be behind common diseases
Variants thought to be behind inherited conditions prove difficult to pin down.
Seaweed-threatened corals send chemical SOS to fish
The cry for help summons allies to graze away the algal overgrowth.
By Susan Milius -
Cancer cells self-destruct in blind mole rats
Underground rodents evolved a way to zap mutating tissue.
Trunk in cheek, elephant mimics Korean
Novel posture lets animal imitate sounds of human words.
By Susan Milius -
Science & Society
Insect illustrator
Taina Litwak is an “art department of one” in D.C. for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Systematic Entomology Laboratory.
By Roberta Kwok -
Extensive bird family tree rewrites some history
Unexpected pattern of evolution found across hemispheres.
By Susan Milius -
Across 1,000 genomes, rarities abound
Number of infrequent genetic variants reflects human population explosion and geographic diversity.
Hunting dark matter with DNA
Particle physicists propose a new way to detect dark matter using the molecule of life.
By Tanya Lewis