- Animals
Readers respond to "Collision course" and "The tune wreckers" from our September 21 issue, plus some feedback on the new website.
By Science News - Paleontology
Dinosaur dreams dashed
Fans of 'Jurassic Park' may be disappointed (or possibly relieved) to learn that you can’t get ancient DNA from amber.
- Life
Killer cells trained on leukemia may protect some people
Immune system seems to remember cancer in people who've never had it, a new study suggests.
- Neuroscience
Scented naps can dissipate fears
People unlearned an odor's unpleasant accompaniment when they smelled it in their sleep.
- Life
Protein injection triggers vessel repair
Retina blood lines regrow when treated with angiopoietin-1, a new study suggests.
- Life
Letters to the editor
Sleepless on a schedule, Edison's rubbery discovery and monogamy not just for men.
By Science News - Animals
MERS virus jumped several times from animals to humans
More than one person caught new illness from bats, camels or other creatures.
- Ecosystems
Feces in termites’ nests block biological pest control
Built-in poop nourishes bacteria that protect notorious Formosan species.
By Susan Milius - Animals
Tiger, lion and domestic cat genes not so different
Genomes of big felines provide insight into their evolution.
- Life
Mice lose cat fear for good after infection
Parasite carried by cats causes ill effects on rodents long after mice get over disease.