
  1. Animals

    See-through shrimp flex invisible muscle

    Much of the body of a Pederson’s transparent shrimp looks like watery nothing, but it’s a superhero sort of nothing.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Changes in kids’ genomes linked to chronic stress

    In a study of 40 nine-year-old boys, kids from underprivileged backgrounds had telomeres that were 19 percent shorter than those of boys from more privileged environments.

  3. Paleontology

    Ancient crustacean had elaborate heart

    The now-extinct Fuxianhuia protensa had a fancy cardiovascular system that sent blood to its limbs and organs, including its brain.

  4. Humans

    Father’s obesity linked to autism in children

    A father-to-be’s body mass may be a greater risk factor for his child’s development of autism than the body mass of the mother.

  5. Genetics


    Readers ask about Neandertal genes and electricity-generating spores and react to a fusion milestone.

  6. Genetics

    Bank voles provide clue to prion disease susceptibility

    A protein from bank voles makes mice susceptible to disorders that wouldn’t otherwise infect them.

  7. Animals

    Young vervet monkeys look to mom when learning

    Among vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops), behaviors are passed from mother to child, a new study finds.

  8. Animals

    The Thing With Feathers

    In the new book, "The Thing With Feathers," Noah Strycker brings people nose to beak with the plumed creatures he knows so well.

  9. Neuroscience

    Paralyzed mouse legs move with burst of light

    Neural patch makes leg muscles twitch in paralyzed mice when blue light shines.

  10. Paleontology

    Footprints of dino chase digitally reconstructed

    Footprints of a T. rex-type dinosaur chasing an Apatosaurus-like animal have been turned into a 3-D fly-through, giving researchers a way to verify maps of the tracks drawn 70 years ago. (includes video)

  11. Animals

    Pandas enjoy the sweet life

    Unlike many of their carnivore relatives, bamboo-loving pandas can taste natural, and some artificial, sugars.

  12. Neuroscience

    Brain’s growth, networks unveiled in new maps

    Two large-scale efforts describe human and mouse brains in detail.
