
  1. Environment

    Microplastics lodge in crab gills and guts

    Crabs can absorb microplastic particles through their gills and by eating polluted mussels.

  2. Ecosystems

    If you really hate a species, try eating it

    Dining on invasive fish such as snakehead and lionfish can reduce their numbers, but we can’t entirely eat our way out this problem.

  3. Climate

    Meat-eaters’ greenhouse gas emissions are twice as high as vegans’

    Meat-eaters dietary GHG emissions are twice as high as those of vegans, a study finds.

  4. Animals

    Dead-ant wall protects young spider wasps

    Bone-house wasps probably use a barrier of deceased insects to guard against predators.

  5. Neuroscience

    MRI scans reveal how the brain tells the body to pee

    Scientists see heightened brain activity in men right before they urinate.

  6. Life

    Dramatic retraction adds to questions about stem cell research

    Researchers who reported an easy method for making stem cells admit mistakes mar their work, and have retracted their papers from Nature.

  7. Animals

    Mantis shrimp tune their eyes with sunscreen

    Blocking some rays in just the right way creates six ways of actually seeing ultraviolet light.

  8. Animals

    Red kangaroo’s tail acts like a fifth leg

    Red kangaroos wield their tails like another limb when moving slowly.

  9. Paleontology

    Flightless dino-bird wore full-body feathers

    Recently unearthed Archaeopteryx fossil sports full coat of feathers, suggesting feather evolution was more complex than previously thought.

  10. Neuroscience

    Autism may carry a benefit: a buffer against Alzheimer’s

    Brain plasticity of people with autism may protect them from Alzheimer’s disease, scientists propose.

  11. Life

    Tibetans live high life thanks to extinct human relatives

    DNA shared by modern-day Tibetans and extinct Denisovans suggests people picked up helpful genes through interbreeding with other hominids.

  12. Life

    Stem cell papers retracted

    Researchers who reported easy method for making stem cells admit mistakes mar their work, and have retracted their papers from Nature.
