
  1. Animals

    Mosquito flight is unlike that of any other insect

    High-speed video and modeling reveal a more complex understanding of mosquito flight.

  2. Oceans

    Thinning ice creates undersea Arctic greenhouses

    Arctic sea ice thinned by climate change increasingly produces conditions favorable for phytoplankton blooms in the waters below, new research suggests.

  3. Genetics

    Gene editing of human embryos yields early results

    Gene editing in embryos has started in labs, but isn’t ready for the clinic.

  4. Neuroscience

    Sarcasm looks the same in the brain whether it’s words or emoji

    Sarcasm via winking emoji affects the brain like verbal irony does.

  5. Neuroscience

    Math-anxious brains tackle simple problems differently

    An fMRI study found more variable brain activity in people who get nervous about math problems.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Dengue fever spreads in a neighborly way

    Individual strains of dengue spread locally, and new infections cluster near the home of the first person affected.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Random mutations play large role in cancer, study finds

    Mistakes made while copying DNA account for more mutations in cancer cells than environment or inheritance do.

  8. Genetics

    In 1967, LSD was briefly labeled a breaker of chromosomes

    Claims that the hallucinogenic drug damaged DNA were quickly rejected. But questions remain about how LSD works.

  9. Animals

    Female guppies with bigger brains pick more attractive guys

    A larger-brained female guppy may pick primo males, but all that mental machinery costs her in other ways.

  10. Paleontology

    Anatomy analysis suggests new dinosaur family tree

    A new analysis rewrites the dinosaur family tree, splitting up long-recognized groups.

  11. Neuroscience

    Lab tests aren’t the answer for every science question

    Acting Editor in Chief Elizabeth Quill discusses the value of observational science.

  12. Animals

    Colorful pinwheel puts a new spin on mouse pregnancy

    Among the winners of the 2017 Wellcome Image Awards is a rainbow of mouse placentas that shows how a mother’s immune system affects placental development.
