
  1. Health & Medicine

    Common virus may be celiac disease culprit

    A common virus may turn the immune system against gluten, leading to the development of celiac disease.

  2. Genetics

    Cephalopods may have traded evolution gains for extra smarts

    Editing RNA may give cephalopods smarts, but there’s a trade-off.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Readers question mental health research

    Maintaining mental health, protecting ocean critters and more in reader feedback.

  4. Life

    CRISPR had a life before it became a gene-editing tool

    Before it was a tool, CRISPR was a weapon in the never-ending war between microbes and viruses

  5. Animals

    First fluorescent frogs might see each others’ glow

    A polka dot frog, the first known fluorescent amphibian, may get a visibility boost in twilight and moonlight.

  6. Science & Society

    ‘Specimens’ goes behind the scenes of Chicago’s Field Museum

    The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago puts seldom-seen specimens on display in a new exhibit to highlight the crucial role of museum objects in scientific research.

  7. Neuroscience

    Food odors are more enticing to sleep-deprived brains

    Sleep deprivation makes the brain more sensitive to food smells.

  8. Neuroscience

    More brain differences seen between girls, boys with ADHD

    ADHD looks different in the cerebellums of girls and boys with the condition.

  9. Animals

    Camera trap catches a badger burying a cow

    Badgers are known to bury small animals to save them for future eating. Now researchers have caught them caching something much bigger: young cows.

  10. Animals

    For glass frogs, moms matter after all

    Brief but important maternal care may have evolved before the elaborate egg-tending of glass frog dads.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Getting dengue first may make Zika infection much worse

    Experiments in cells and mice suggest that a previous exposure to dengue or West Nile can make a Zika virus infection worse.

  12. Paleontology

    New tyrannosaur had a sensitive side

    Tyrannosaurs may have had sensitive snouts that detected temperature and touch.
