
  1. Paleontology

    Ancient attack marks show ocean predators got scarier

    Killer snails and other ocean predators that drill through shells have grown bigger over evolutionary time.

  2. Animals

    Facial recognition changes a wasp’s brain

    A new study maps genes at play in a paper wasp’s brain during facial recognition.

  3. Life

    How bearded dragons switch their sex

    RNA editing might affect reptile sex determination at temperature extremes.

  4. Health & Medicine

    New heart attack treatment uses photosynthetic bacteria to make oxygen

    Photosynthetic bacteria can produce oxygen to keep rat heart muscles healthy after a heart attack.

  5. Climate

    Readers question climate’s freshwater effects

    Warming lakes, windmills for the Arctic, mosquito control and more in reader feedback.

  6. Life

    Ancient DNA shakes up the elephant family tree

    DNA from straight-tusked elephant fossils is forcing scientists to reconsider the history of elephant evolution.

  7. Life

    Ladybugs fold their wings like origami masters

    Ladybug wings could lead to new foldable technologies.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Live antibiotics use bacteria to kill bacteria

    Certain bacteria will destroy other bacteria without harming humans. They may be an answer to antibiotic-resistant infections.

  9. Paleontology

    New dinosaur resurrects a demon from Ghostbusters

    The most complete skeleton of an ankylosaur shows an armored, club-tailed dinosaur with a head like a Ghostbusters demon.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Therapy flags DNA typos to rev cancer-fighting T cells

    Genetic tests help identify cancer patients who will benefit from immune therapy.

  11. Paleontology

    Primitive whales had mediocre hearing

    Fossils suggest that early whale hearing was run-of-the-mill, along the same line as that of land mammals.

  12. Climate

    Climate change might help pests resist corn’s genetic weapon

    Rising temperatures may allow pests to eat corn that is genetically modified to produce an insect-killing toxin.
