
  1. Animals

    A researcher reveals the shocking truth about electric eels

    A biologist records the electrical current traveling through his arm during an electric eel’s defensive leap attack.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Microbes hobble a widely used chemo drug

    Bacteria associated with cancer cells can inactivate a chemotherapy drug.

  3. Genetics

    Two artificial sweeteners together take the bitter out of bittersweet

    Some artificial sweeteners are well known for their bitter aftertastes. But saccharin and cyclamate are better together, and now scientists know why.

  4. Paleontology

    Like sea stars, ancient echinoderms nibbled with tiny tube feet

    An ancient echinoderm fossil preserves evidence of tube feet like those found on today’s sea stars.

  5. Life

    When a fungus invades the lungs, immune cells can tell it to self-destruct

    Immune system resists fungal infection by directing spores to their death.

  6. Neuroscience

    Brain chemical lost in Parkinson’s may contribute to its own demise

    A dangerous form of the chemical messenger dopamine causes cellular mayhem in the very nerve cells that make it.

  7. Animals

    Why bats crash into windows

    Smooth, vertical surfaces may be blind spots for bats and cause some animals to face-plant, study suggests.

  8. Animals

    Why bats crash into windows

    Smooth, vertical surfaces may be blind spots for bats and cause some animals to face-plant, study suggests.

  9. Paleontology

    Woolly rhinos may have grown strange extra ribs before going extinct

    Ribs attached to neck bones could have signaled trouble for woolly rhinos, a new study suggests.

  10. Animals

    Pollen hitches a ride on bees in all the right spots

    Flower reproduction depends on the pollen that collects in hard-to-reach spots on bees, a new study shows.

  11. Science & Society

    Learning is a ubiquitous, mysterious phenomenon

    Acting Editor in Chief Elizabeth Quill talks about the science of learning and how our brains process new knowledge.

  12. Climate

    Rising temperatures threaten heat-tolerant aardvarks

    Aardvarks may get a roundabout hit from climate change — less food.
