
  1. Genetics

    These 8 GMOs tell a brief history of genetic modification

    Since the first genetically modified organism 50 years ago, GMOs have brought us disease-resistant crops, new drugs and more.

  2. Animals

    How sea anemones living on deep-sea hydrothermal vents avoid metal poisoning

    The anemone Alvinactis idsseensis dominates its toxic environment thanks to an unusual number of genes geared toward protecting cells from heavy metals.

  3. Genetics

    Most of today’s gene therapies rely on viruses — and that’s a problem

    The next big strides in gene therapy for rare diseases may come from CRISPR and new approaches to delivery.

  4. Life

    10 billion snow crabs have disappeared off the Alaskan coast. Here’s why

    In the eastern Bering Sea, the snow crab population plummeted after a marine heat wave in 2018. The crabs may have starved, a new study finds.

  5. Animals

    Scientists debunked a long-standing cicada myth by analyzing their guts

    The lack of obvious chewing mouthparts may have made casual observers think that adult cicadas don’t need to feed. But that’s not the case.

  6. Life

    The inside of a rat’s eye won the 2023 Nikon Small World photo contest

    The annual competition puts the spotlight on science and nature in all its smallest glory.

  7. Animals

    In a first, genetically modified silkworms produced pure spider silk

    An effort to engineer silkworms to produce spider silk brings us closer than ever to exploiting the extraordinary properties of this arachnid fiber.

  8. Neuroscience

    What a look at more than 3,000 kinds of cells in the human brain tells us

    A wide-reaching look at the cells that build the brain, detailed in 21 studies, showcases the brain’s cellular diversity and clues about how it works.

  9. Life

    Ants may be the first known insects ensnared in plastic pollution

    At this point, it’s unclear whether this type of trash harms insects, but the discovery highlights the ubiquity of plastic pollution in the wild.

  10. Animals

    Gene editing can make chickens resistant to bird flu

    Chickens genetically modified to be impervious to avian influenza may one day prevent the spread of the disease on farms, a study suggests.

  11. Microbes

    Watch: Recent microbial discoveries are changing our view of life on Earth

    Videos capture the strange movements and predatory styles of protists — among the closest microbial cousins to multicellular life.

  12. Life

    Hippos might be ferocious fighters, but their big teeth make them terrible chewers

    Among plant eaters, hippos are the worst chewers. Their huge tusks and front teeth keep the jaw from moving side to side to grind food, a study finds.
