
  1. Neuroscience

    To hear the beat, your brain may think about moving to it

    To keep time to a song, the brain relies on a region used to plan movement — even when you’re not tapping along.

  2. Animals

    Strong winds send migrating seal pups on lengthier trips

    Prevailing winds can send northern fur seal pups on an epic journey.

  3. Paleontology

    Fossil footprints may put lizards on two feet 110 million years ago

    Fossilized footprints found in South Korea could be the earliest evidence of two-legged running in lizards.

  4. Anthropology

    In Borneo, hunting emerges as a key threat to endangered orangutans

    Only small numbers of Bornean orangutans will survive coming decades, researchers say.

  5. Climate

    Look to penguins to track Antarctic changes

    Scientists say carbon and nitrogen isotopes found in penguin tissues can indicate shifts in the Antarctic environment.

  6. Genetics

    Study debunks fishy tale of how rabbits were first tamed

    A popular tale about rabbit domestication turns out to be fiction.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Cutting off a brain enzyme reversed Alzheimer’s plaques in mice

    Inhibiting an enzyme involved in the production of Alzheimer’s protein globs also made old globs, or plaques, disappear in mouse brains.

  8. Life

    Shipping noise can disturb porpoises and disrupt their mealtime

    Noise from ships may disturb harbor porpoises enough to keep them from getting the food they need.

  9. Genetics

    Genes could record forensic clues to time of death

    Scientists have found predictable patterns in the way our genetic machinery winds down after death.

  10. Animals

    Even after bedbugs are eradicated, their waste lingers

    Bedbug waste contains high levels of the allergy-triggering chemical histamine, which stays behind even after the insects are eradicated.

  11. Plants

    Ancient ozone holes may have sterilized forests 252 million years ago

    Swaths of barren forest may have led to Earth’s greatest mass extinction.

  12. Animals

    Trove of hummingbird flight data reveals secrets of nimble flying

    Tweaks in muscle and wing form give different hummingbird species varying levels of agility.
