
  1. Animals

    Male fruit flies enjoy ejaculation

    Red light exposure made some genetically engineered fruit flies ejaculate, spurring a surge of a brain reward compound — and less desire for booze.

  2. Microbes

    This plastic-gobbling enzyme just got an upgrade

    Scientists tweaked a bacterial enzyme and made it more efficient in breaking down plastics found in polyester and plastic bottles.

  3. Oceans

    Masses of shrimp and krill may play a huge role in mixing oceans

    Hoards of migrating shrimp and krill can cause large-scale turbulence in the ocean, a new study suggests.

  4. Animals

    These seals haven’t lost their land ancestors’ hunting ways

    Clawed pawlike forelimbs help true seals hunt like their land-dwelling ancestors.

  5. Materials Science

    A new plastic film glows to flag food contaminated with dangerous microbes

    Plastic patches that glow when they touch some types of bacteria could be built into food packaging to reduce the spread of foodborne illness.

  6. Health & Medicine

    This is how norovirus invades the body

    Norovirus targets a rare type of gut cell, a study in mice finds.

  7. Genetics

    Sweet potatoes might have arrived in Polynesia long before humans

    Genetic analysis suggests that sweet potatoes were present in Polynesia over 100,000 years ago, and didn’t need help crossing the Pacific.

  8. Animals

    These hummingbirds aim their singing tail feathers to wow mates

    Acoustic cameras reveal how male Costa’s hummingbirds can aim the sound produced by fluttering tail feathers during courtship dives.

  9. Paleontology

    Colorful moth wings date back to the dinosaur era

    Microscopic structures that scatter light to give color to the wings of modern butterflies and moths date back almost 200 million years.

  10. Microbes

    This material uses energy from ambient light to kill hospital superbugs

    A quantum dot–powered material could help reduce the number of hospital-acquired infections, including those with drug-resistant bacteria.

  11. Anthropology

    Finger fossil puts people in Arabia at least 86,000 years ago

    A desert discovery suggests that Arabia was an ancient human destination.

  12. Life

    Fossils sparked Charles Darwin’s imagination

    Darwin’s Fossils recounts how finding extinct species in South America helped Charles Darwin develop his theory of evolution.
