
  1. Neuroscience

    Brain discoveries open doors to new treatments

    Editor in Chief Nancy Shute discusses the history of neuroscience and new techniques scientists are using to influence the brain.

  2. Neuroscience

    Brain scans decode an elusive signature of consciousness

    Newly described patterns of brain activity may help reveal the level of awareness in people with brain injuries.

  3. Genetics

    DNA reveals early mating between Asian herders and European farmers

    A new genetic analysis could upend assumptions about the origins of Indo-European languages.

  4. Health & Medicine

    In some cases, getting dengue may protect against Zika

    A Zika outbreak in a Brazilian slum suggests that the timing of dengue infections may matter for protection against Zika.

  5. Life

    Evolutionarily, grandmas are good for grandkids — up to a point

    Women may live past their reproductive years because they help their grandchildren survive, but there are limits to that benefit.

  6. Plants

    Shutdown aside, Joshua trees live an odd life

    Growing only in the U.S. Southwest, wild Joshua trees evolved a rare, fussy pollination scheme.

  7. Genetics

    What FamilyTreeDNA sharing genetic data with police means for you

    Law enforcement can now use one company’s private DNA database to investigate rapes and murders.

  8. Animals

    How black soldier fly larvae can demolish a pizza so fast

    When gorging together, fly larvae create a living fountain that whooshes slowpokes up and away.

  9. Genetics

    DNA from extinct red wolves lives on in some mysterious Texas coyotes

    Mystery canids on Texas’ Galveston Island carry red wolf DNA, thought to be extinct in the wild for 40 years.

  10. Genetics

    This bacteria-fighting protein also induces sleep

    A bacteria-fighting protein also lulls fruit flies to sleep, suggesting links between sleep and the immune system.

  11. Animals

    Giant pandas may have only recently switched to eating mostly bamboo

    Giant pandas may have switched to an exclusive bamboo diet some 5,000 years ago, not 2 million years ago as previously thought.

  12. Neuroscience

    No, we don’t know that gum disease causes Alzheimer’s

    A recent study linked gum disease and Alzheimer’s disease, but the results are far from conclusive.
