
  1. Animals

    ‘Mama’s Last Hug’ showcases the emotional lives of animals

    In ‘Mama’s Last Hug,’ Frans de Waal argues that emotions occur throughout the animal world.

  2. Life

    Readers ponder mitochondria, Neandertal diets, deep sea corals and more

    Readers had questions about mitochondrial DNA, Neandertal diets, deep ocean corals and more.

  3. Animals

    Hermit crabs are drawn to the smell of their own dead

    A new study finds that the smell of hermit crab flesh attracts other hermit crabs of the same species desperately looking for a larger shell.

  4. Animals

    The world’s largest bee has been rediscovered after 38 years

    Researchers rediscovered the world’s largest bee living in the forests of an island of Indonesia.

  5. Climate

    Dueling dates for a huge eruption reignite the debate over dinosaurs’ death

    New dating techniques for the Deccan Traps volcanic eruptions disagree on whether they were the main culprit in the dinosaurs’ demise.

  6. Paleontology

    A deer-sized T. rex ancestor shows how fast tyrannosaurs became giants

    A newly found dinosaur called Moros intrepidus fills a hole in the evolutionary history of tyrannosaurs, helping narrow when the group sized up.

  7. Life

    Physics explains how pollen gets its stunning diversity of shapes

    These pollen patterns can all be explained by one simple trick of physics: phase separation.

  8. Neuroscience

    Brain cells combine place and taste to make food maps

    A select group of brain cells responds to both flavor and location, a specialty that may help an animal find the next good meal.

  9. Animals

    50 years ago, DDT pushed peregrine falcons to the edge of extinction

    In 1969, peregrine falcons were at risk of extinction. But a ban on the pesticide DDT and new captive breeding programs allowed the raptors to recover.

  10. Life

    Slow sperm may fail at crashing ‘gates’ on their way to an egg

    A new study describes how sperm navigate narrow straits in the reproductive tract’s obstacle course to reach an egg.

  11. Animals

    A rare, ancient case of bone cancer has been found in a turtle ancestor

    A 240-million-year-old fossil reveals the oldest known case of bone cancer in an amniote, a group that includes mammals, birds and reptiles.

  12. Artificial Intelligence

    Readers marvel at AI, space missions and wombat poop

    Readers had comments and questions about defining artificial intelligence, the New Horizons space mission and more.
