
  1. Oceans

    A mysterious coral disease is ravaging Caribbean reefs

    Scientists are racing to learn what’s behind a disease that’s “annihilating” whole coral species in hopes of stopping it.

  2. Neuroscience

    A 100-hour MRI scan captured the most detailed look yet at a whole human brain

    Researchers report ultraprecise imaging of a postmortem human brain.

  3. Animals

    Ground beetle genitals have the genetic ability to get strange. They don’t

    A new look at the genetics of sex organs finds underpinnings of conflicts over genital size.

  4. Ecosystems

    Moonlight shapes how some animals move, grow and even sing

    The moon’s light influences lion prey behavior, dung beetle navigation, fish growth, mass migrations and birdsong.

  5. Planetary Science

    Readers wanted to know about asteroids, lithium batteries and more

    Readers had questions and comments about asteroids, lithium batteries, and pyroclastic flows.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Breaking down the science behind some of your favorite summer activities

    Inject some science into your summer.

  7. Anthropology

    Ancient DNA reveals the origins of the Philistines

    A mysterious Biblical-era population may have fled Bronze Age calamities.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Rogue immune cells can infiltrate old brains

    Killer T cells get into older brains where they may make mischief, a study in mice and postmortem human brain tissue finds.

  9. Ecosystems

    Why some insect eggs are spherical while others look like hot dogs

    Analyzing a new database of insect eggs’ sizes and shapes suggests that where eggs are laid helps explain some of their diversity of forms.

  10. Neuroscience

    This brain region may be why some robots send chills down your spine

    Scientists may have traced the source of the “uncanny valley” sensation in the brain.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Vision cells can pull double duty in the brain, detecting both color and shape

    Neurons in a brain area that handles vision fire in response to more than one aspect of an object, countering earlier ideas, a study in monkeys finds.

  12. Plants

    ‘Slime’ shows how algae have shaped our climate, evolution and daily lives

    The new book ‘Slime’ makes the case that algae deserve to be celebrated.
