
  1. Humans

    Bush favors some stem cell research

    President Bush said he would support work on stem cells that already had been propagated from embryos otherwise fated for disposal in fertility clinics, but he opposes financing the destruction of additional embryos to create new cell lines.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Could this be the end of the monthly period?

    Two compounds stop menstruation in monkeys, suggesting that similar drugs might someday enable women to bypass monthly bleeding.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Germ-Fighting Germs

    Plants and animals arent the only things that get sick. Even pathogenic microbes can succumb to infections. Federal plant pathologists are now looking to capitalize on that phenomenon as a strategy to fight off food poisoning. R. Savidge Though nature seals most fruits and vegetables in germ-resistant peels and rinds, once those outer barriers are […]

  4. Health & Medicine

    Protein may post lung cancer warning

    The protein Ki-67, sometimes present on tissue lining the lungs, may act as a warning sign of lung cancer risk for ex-smokers.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Once a cesarean, always a cesarean?

    Expectant mothers who've already given birth by cesarean section put themselves at increased risk of uterine rupture by trying vaginal birth.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Cox-2 shows up in stomach cancers

    The inflammatory enzyme Cox-2 is present in stomach tumors, suggesting that drugs that inhibit the enzyme might help supress tumor formation.

  7. Health & Medicine

    New drug fights a chronic leukemia

    A genetically engineered drug that fuses an antibody to a toxin attacks cancerous cells in hairy-cell leukemia.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Antioxidants + heart drugs = bad medicine?

    Taking dietary antioxidant supplements along with certain cholesterol-regulating drugs may diminish the effectiveness of those drugs in boosting the so-called good cholesterol.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Insect-saliva vaccine thwarts parasite

    Mice inoculated with a component of sand fly saliva develop immunity to Leishmania, a protozoan that infects hundreds of thousands of people in the tropics each year.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Chemotherapy leads to bone loss

    In women with early-stage breast cancer, malfunctioning ovaries and significant bone loss can occur within 6 months of chemotherapy treatment.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Inflammation linked to diabetes

    Women who go on to develop diabetes seem to have signs of widespread, low-level inflammation years before they have symptoms of the disease.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Ancient Estrogen

    A jawless fish ancestor may have revealed the most ancient of hormones and how current hormones evolved from it.
