
  1. Health & Medicine

    Berry Colorful Nutrition News (with recipes)

    Ah, raspberries. So sweet, so delicate on the tongue, so ephemeral. Oregon Raspberry and Blackberry Commission Isolated pigments from the four raspberries tested. Liu/Cornell Oregon Raspberry and Blackberry Commission Every year, I unsuccessfully defend my raspberries against squirrels, birds, and beetles. As I watch the fruit begin to ripen, so do the neighborhood creatures. Two […]

  2. Anthropology

    The DNA Divide: Chimps, people differ in brain’s gene activity

    The distinctive looks and thinking styles of people and chimpanzees derive from the contrasting productivities of their similar DNA sequences.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Vanquishing a Virus: New drugs attack herpes infections

    Scientists have identified a new class of compounds that stop herpes simplex virus from replicating.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Diluted smallpox vaccine is potent

    About 15 million doses of smallpox vaccine held by the U.S. government can be diluted to one-tenth their original concentration and still be effective for immunizing people.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Pulse pressure linked to dialysis death rate

    People on kidney dialysis who have high pulse pressure—the difference between the top and bottom numbers on a blood pressure reading—seem to be at a greater risk of dying than those with low pulse pressure.

  6. Humans

    Web site debuts on junior high science

    A new Web site reviews the accuracy of commonly used middle school physical science books and offers tips and assistance for teachers working from those texts.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Blood Vessel Poisoning: Arsenic narrows artery that feeds brain

    New research suggests that drinking arsenic-laden water can produce dangerous narrowing in the carotid artery, which channels blood through the neck to the brain.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Scrambled Drugs: Transgenic chickens could lay golden eggs

    Scientists have created transgenic chickens able to produce foreign proteins—and, potentially, pharmaceuticals—in their eggs.

  9. Archaeology

    New World hunters get a reprieve

    New radiocarbon evidence indicates that, beginning around 11,000 years ago, human hunters contributed to North American mammal extinctions that had already been triggered by pronounced climate shifts.

  10. Archaeology

    Stone Age Siberians move up in time

    Siberian sites previously thought to have been bases for early human excursions into North America may only date to about 11,300 years ago, when people have traditionally been assumed to have first reached Alaska.

  11. Health & Medicine

    A tasty discovery about the tongue

    Scientists can now explain how the tongue tastes the amino acids in proteins.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Clotting protein hinders nerve repair

    A blood-clotting protein called fibrin seems to exacerbate the regrowth problems that plague severed nerves.
