
  1. Health & Medicine

    Acetaminophen in Action: Effect on an enzyme may stop pain, lower fever

    The discovery of an enzyme scientists are calling cyclooxygenase-3, which is disabled by acetaminophen, might explain why this drug can stop pain and fever but not inflammation.

  2. Humans

    From the March 22, 1930, issue

    THE SUN’S NEW TRANS-NEPTUNIAN PLANET The Lowell Observatory has made the discovery of a celestial body whose rate of motion and path among the stars indicate that it is a new member of the sun’s family of planets out beyond Neptune. Twenty-five years ago, Dr. Percival Lowell, director and founder of the Observatory at Flagstaff, […]

  3. Archaeology

    Visit Ancient Corinth

    Hosted at the University of Pennsylvania, this elaborate, regularly updated Web site features historical, literary, and archaeological information about the ancient Roman colony of Corinth in Greece. Browser plug-ins allow you to fly through the city, traverse digital maps, and view three-dimensional models of various structures. Go to:

  4. Anthropology

    Court releases ancient skeleton

    A judge's decision gives scientists the right to study the 9,000-year-old skeleton dubbed Kennewick Man rather than turn the remains over to a coalition of Native American tribes for reburial.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Herbal cancer remedy is chock full of drugs

    An herbal remedy that had been popular among prostate cancer patients was tainted with three synthetic drugs.

  6. Anthropology

    Neandertals return at German cave site

    Researchers who tracked down the location of a German cave where the first Neandertal skeleton was discovered in 1856 have unearthed new Neandertal finds.

  7. Health & Medicine

    RNA interferes with cancer-cell growth

    To curb the growth of cancer cells, scientists are silencing genes by introducing small strands of RNA.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Chocolate Hearts

    Preliminary studies indicate that moderate consumption of chocolate products may offer cardiovascular benefits.

  9. Humans

    Message in DNA tops Science Talent Search

    A project on encrypting words within a strand of DNA won the top prize at the Intel Science Talent Search.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Olfactory cells aid spine healing in rats

    Injections of olfactory ensheathing glial cells from the brain help severed spinal cords heal in rats.

  11. Humans

    From the September 17, 1932, issue

    ANOTHER GREAT WALL The Great Wall of China, winding like a mighty, protecting serpent along the old northern boundary of the Celestial Kingdom– Hadrian’s Wall, the Great Wall of Britain, built and fortified to shut the barbarians of the north out of southern Britain in Roman days– And now, added to this small, select list […]

  12. Health & Medicine

    Conquering Surgical Pain

    Created by the Neurosurgical Service at the Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), these fascinating Web pages chronicle the introduction of ether as an anesthetic in 1846 at MGH and subsequent developments in anesthesiology. Go to:
