
  1. Anthropology

    New World Newcomers: Men’s DNA supports recent settlement of the Americas

    New data on genetic differences among the Y chromosomes of Asian and Native American men support the notion that people first reached the Americas less than 20,000 years ago.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Virus Shield: Ebola vaccine works fast in monkey test

    Tests on monkeys show that an experimental vaccine can build immunity against Ebola virus within a month, suggesting the vaccine might help contain outbreaks of the deadly pathogen.

  3. Archaeology

    Maya palace suddenly expands

    Archaeologists find a sprawling palace and other surprises at a 1,300-year-old Maya site in Guatemala.

  4. Humans

    Postdocs warrant more status and support

    A new study finds a pressing need to improve the pay and status of postdoctoral scholars.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Blood-cell transplants slow kidney cancer

    A new transplant technique that uses blood transfusions from a sibling combined with decreasing doses of immune-suppressing drugs enables some patients to fight off advanced kidney cancer.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Clot buster attached to red blood cells avoids complications

    Attaching a clot-busting drug to red blood cells limits the drug's side effects, a study in animals shows.

  7. Humans

    From the August 5, 1933, issue

    A MILLION YEARS OF MAN A million years of the past history of man, as he climbed upward through the stone age, are recreated in exhibits and life-sized models and dioramas just placed on view by the Field Museum in Chicago. The exhibits represent the results of years of research, of several museum expeditions, and […]

  8. Humans

    Engineer Girl

    Presented by the National Academy of Engineering, this attractive Web site aims to encourage girls to consider engineering as a career. Site material provides a picture of what engineering is and why it is important. It includes profiles of women engineers in various roles and other career information. Go to:

  9. Health & Medicine

    Transplant Hope: New thymus tissue jump-starts immune system in babies

    A thymus tissue transplant enables babies born with DiGeorge syndrome to develop functional immune systems.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Anthrax toxin curbs immune cells

    A toxin produced by the anthrax bacterium suppresses cells that launch the body's immune response.

  11. Humans

    From the July 29, 1933, issue

    ON A SPARKLING SEA The photographer very likely took a more beautiful picture than he thought he would when, flying low over the Canadian Pacific’s Empress of Australia, he snapped the photograph that adorns the front cover of this week’s Science News Letter. The vessel has a gross tonnage of 21,850 tons and her displacement […]

  12. Health & Medicine

    Intestinal Fortitude: Treatment for colitis shows early success

    Given as a drug, a protein fragment called epidermal growth factor induces remission in people with ulcerative colitis, apparently by healing intestinal lesions.
