
  1. Health & Medicine

    Shutting Off an On Switch: Novel drugs slow two cancers in mice

    By shutting down a signaling molecule on cancerous cells, scientists have found a way to slow multiple myeloma and fibrosarcoma, tests in animals show.

  2. Anthropology

    Brain Size Surprise: All primates may share expanded frontal cortex

    A new analysis of brains from a variety of mammal species indicates that frontal-cortex expansion has occurred in all primates, not just in people, as scientists have traditionally assumed.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Two arthritis drugs work best in tandem

    Two anti-inflammatory drugs for rheumatoid arthritis—methotrexate and etanercept—work better together than either does individually.

  4. Anthropology

    Extinct ancestor wasn’t so finicky

    Contrary to much anthropological thought, the genus Paranthropus showed as much dietary and behavioral flexibility as ancient Homo species did between 3 million and 1 million years ago.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Born to Heal

    The controversial strategy of screening embryos to produce donors for siblings raises hopes and presents new ethical dilemmas.

  6. Humans

    Letters from the March 6, 2004, issue of Science News

    All we have to fear In “9/11’s Fatal Road Toll: Terror attacks presaged rise in U.S. car deaths” (SN: 1/17/04, p. 37: 9/11’s Fatal Road Toll: Terror attacks presaged rise in U.S. car deaths), it was assumed that people who switched from planes to cars after the terrorist attacks did so because of fear. However, […]

  7. Anthropology

    Early Ancestors Come Together: Humanity’s roots may lie in single, diverse genus

    Newly discovered fossil teeth in eastern Africa that are more than 5 million years old suggest that the earliest members of the human family evolved as a single, anatomically diverse genus.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Quantum sentinels

    Quantum physics may soon help physicians track whether a cancer has spread.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Gene transfer puts good fats in mammals

    Scientists have used a worm gene to genetically engineer mice whose tissues are unusually rich in the heart-healthy fats found mainly in fish.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Tea for Too Much Bilirubin?

    A special tea may be an alternative to fluorescent lights for treating newborns who suffer from jaundice.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Averting Pain: Epilepsy drug limits migraine attacks

    A drug normally used against epilepsy can prevent migraine headaches.

  12. Anthropology

    Linguists in Siberia record dying tongues

    Researchers trekking through remote Russian villages have identified and interviewed some of the last remaining speakers of two Turkic languages.
